Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 26-August 30

7th Grade Reading: Return "Expectations" sheet signed by Friday; get a one-subject notebook and binder with dividers by Tuesday, 9/3.
7th Grade English: Return "Expectations" sheet signed by Friday; get a one-subject notebook and binder with dividers by Tuesday, 9/3.
9th Grade English: Return "Expectations" sheet signed by Friday; get a one-subject notebook and binder with dividers by Tuesday, 9/3.

7th Grade Reading: Return "Rules" sheet signed by Friday.
7th Grade English: Return "Rules" sheet signed by Friday.
9th Grade English: Return "Rules" sheet signed by Friday.

7th Grade Reading:
"Who Knew?" paragraph - 10 sentences - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
7th Grade English: In-class brainstorming for "This I Believe" essay.
9th Grade English: In-class writing - Personal Reading Experience

THURSDAY:7th Grade Reading: Begin working on September reading log (due Monday, September 30) 
7th Grade English: In-class writing - "This I Believe" essay - HW if not finished in class.
9th Grade English: In-class writing - Personal Reading Experience - HW if not finished in class.

7th Grade Reading: In library for orientation/AR books.
7th Grade English: Sharing of "This I Believe" statements.
9th Grade English: No class due to pep rally.
ALL CLASSES: Be prepared on Tuesday with binders, dividers, and notebooks.

May 28-June 1

READING 7: This week, we will watch the movie version of Wonder , comparing and contrasting the novel to the film version. ENGLISH 9: T...