Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31 - September 4

All classes: Bring back signed syllabus sheet by FRIDAY.

Period 1, 3, 5: Bring an item that's important to you on THURSDAY.
Period 2 - PSSA 8: Have syllabus signed and returned by THURSDAY.
Period 4, 6, 8: In-class -- What does it mean to be FRANK?

Period 1, 3, 5: Bring an item that's important to you TOMORROW.
Period 2 - PSSA 7: Answer ONE open-ended question in your Introductions and Conclusions packet for Friday!
Period 4, 6, 8: In class - RACERS notes.

Period 1, 3, 5: In class - began working on RACERS, sharing important items.
Period 2- PSSA 8: Finish questions #6-20 in Introductions and Conclusions packet for Tuesday. (10 points!)
Period 4, 6: In class - read "How to Be Successful in 7th Grade"
Period 8: Complete the first E on your "How to Be Successful" RACERS - Think about how studying and doing well on tests supports the idea of being successful by taking advantage of the opportunities you're given.

All classes: Signed syllabus sheet due!
Period 1, 5: Copy RACERS from Pre-Writing sheet to final copy sheet. Make sure you have a complete paragraph! 
Period 2 - PSSA 7: In-class - Group collaboration on introductions and conclusions; PSSA term review.
Period 3: RACERS due Tuesday if not completed in class!
Period 4, 6: RACERS due Tuesday if not completed in class!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Welcome back to the 2015-2016 school year! (And 7th graders, welcome to the high school!) As you are planning your back to school shopping, please include the following items:

7th Grade Reading:
* Notebook (as in a spiral-bound, lined-paper notebook, college or wide-ruled is fine)
* 1" 3-ring binder
* Dividers 
* While not required, you may also want to consider highlighters, colored pencils, and Post-It notes.

7th Grade PSSA Reading:
* Notebook
* 1/2" 3-ring binder

* While not required, you may also want to consider highlighters, colored pencils, and Post-It notes.
(If you have me for both Reading and PSSA Reading, feel free to use the same binder, though you may want to consider a larger binder in this case. You will need a separate notebook for each course however.)

8th Grade PSSA Reading:
* Notebook
* 1/2" 3-ring binder

* While not required, you may also want to consider highlighters, colored pencils, and Post-It notes.

Please note: You will also be required to have a reading book at all times. This is not your textbook, but a novel or a non-fiction book of your choice that you will read on reading days, during SSR, or when your work is done.

See you soon!
Miss Frank 

May 28-June 1

READING 7: This week, we will watch the movie version of Wonder , comparing and contrasting the novel to the film version. ENGLISH 9: T...